答主要表现在组成和功能上不同在电子显微镜下观察可见到叶绿体基质中有一些细微颗粒, 其中最多的是淀粉颗粒这种颗粒是用于储存光合作用所产生的碳水化合物另外还有一些含脂的沉积物称为质体小球plastoglobuli,这种小球的产生同类囊体的破裂有关,当新类囊体形成时,老的类囊体破裂,可减少类囊体的数。
plastoglobuli when the carotenoid pool is limited, but has no further effect when carotenoids are already abundant because high levels of。
plastoglobuli, SG, starch granule, M, mitochondria, fib, fibrilsFIGURE 3 Pearson correlation heatmap between carotenoid color pigments。
distortion and fewer starch grains and bigger plastoglobuli Moreover, during drought stress, the PS genotype exhibited maximum。
higher number of plastoglobuli in chromoplastlike plastids and increased contents in phytoene, C170 fatty acid FA, and C181 cis9。